sabato 21 luglio 2007


sometimes i think that maybe it's better to leave everything and go back to a foreign place...where there is not this way of living and there is not this way of working....

sabato 12 maggio 2007

Last week

Last week has been an amazing week...
I had fun with my colleagues and with my boss on wednsday....we were completely drunk...and nobody wanted to work on the day after...
we went to TRATTORIA TOSCANA in milan, ticinese street, and we had dinner and some :-) drinks togheter....
As usual the brasilian guys made a big show about their knowlege of milan night life....
On Friday i went to see a flat it was nice but not enough for me....i should have to live with a 34th woman...she is nice but i want to stay alone or with my friend Maurizio which is looking for a flat....
If there is someone who has a flat for me in milan...please post in this blog....
See you later...

domenica 6 maggio 2007

Sabato sera e domenica

from now on i will start to write in english beacause i have a lot of friends abroad that maybe should like to read what i have to tell...
Yesterday there was an amazing goodbye party at Carmine's place, he was completely drunk and there were really strange people...i couldn't drink because of the nigth before but i had fun with my colleagues Alberto and Roberto....of the community dept at Zero9....
Today i had a great lunch at Nicola's and Beatrice place....she is a great cook and always try to surprise people with new dishes....there was also a couple of Puglia Guys really funny...they shown us their wedding day film....ah ah ah i felt emabarrassed thinking about my wedding day in the future....ah ah ah
tonight i don't think that i will go out because i'm still tired and i only would like to do something with Ely...but she is still at La Spezia with her parents....

sabato 5 maggio 2007

drinking with brasilian guys

Il mio ufficio è oramai colonizzato dai brasiliani...ce ne sono ben 3...fra i due spiccano i due soggettoni Bruno "Peter Griffin" Grassi e Dniel Felix Reis...ieri sera siamo stati in Trattoria Toscana e diciamo che ci hanno dato dentro, coinvolgendo anche me e Niccolò...
come direbbero gli americani sarebbe stata una serata all'insegna del "team building" ma in realtà oltre ad aver fatto team building abbiamo costruito una bella sbornia di quelle interessanti...che ti fanno passare la voglia di alzarti dal letto e che ti fanno girare tutto ed avere le crisi di panico....
Nel famoso libro "trattato sui postumi della sbornia" del portoghese Juan Bas vengono descritte tutte le sensazioni delle varie tipologie di sbornie.....o risacche come le chiama lui....
bisognerebbe leggerselo tutte òe volte che si beve....